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Complaints Procedure

We take complaints about our work, staff and levels of service very seriously. If you are not satisfied, please follow the process below for raising a formal complaint.

Customer Feedback and Complaints

At Lifelink, we value the opinions and experiences of our clients, partners, commissioners, and employees equally.  We believe that feedback is essential for continuous improvement and to maintain the highest standards of service and care.  We take all feedback and complaints seriously, ensuring that they are addressed promptly and effectively.   We encourage you to share your feedback with us, as your input helps us review and improve upon our services and our delivery.



If you would like to let us know your experiences about the service you received, we encourage you to provide feedback directly to our staff during your interactions with them. This could be something that you really appreciated, or that you felt was a good part of your experience, or it could be some constructive ideas about something you think we could improve. Your firsthand insights are invaluable and may become part of continuous improvement plans which aim to make our services better for everyone.  Additionally, we offer various customer satisfaction surveys that are designed to capture your experiences and suggestions.  These surveys play a crucial role in guiding our efforts to enhance our services in order to meet and exceed your expectations.


How to Make a Formal Complaint

If something more serious has happened and you would like a more formal response to your concern, then you can submit a formal complaint:

By phone to our Customer Service Desk (lines are open 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)

In writing to Feedback & Complaints, Lifelink, Suite 4, First Floor, Melisa House, Brand Place, Glasgow, G51 1DR

By email to feedback@lifelink.org.uk


Information Required from You

  • To effectively address your complaint, we will need the following details:
  • A clear and detailed description of the issue(s) you are experiencing
  • Copies of any relevant correspondence, such as documents or emails related to the complaint
  • Your full name, address and date of birth
  • Your email address, telephone number or postal address for follow up communication


Formal Complaints Process 

All complaints are taken seriously and will be thoroughly investigated by our Service Managers or Clinical Manager. 

Upon receiving your complaint, they will investigate and respond to you within 10 working days. If we are unable to reply to you within this timeframe, we will inform you of the reason and provide an updated timeline for our response.

If you feel the issue remains unresolved after the initial outcome is communicated to you, you may escalate your complaint by making a formal appeal to our Service Delivery Director. We aim to provide a full and final written response within 28 working days from the date of your appeal.

To ensure all complaints are managed effectively and efficiently, Lifelink monitors and timelines all complaints through our Quality and Safety Improvement Officer (QSIO).


Complaints to Professional Registration Bodies

If your complaint relates to one of our qualified clinical staff (counsellor, reflective practice facilitator or clinical supervisor), then in certain circumstances, it may be appropriate to raise your concern/complaint with that individual’s professional registration body directly. The individual should have disclosed their registering body with you during your initial session with them (usually either: BACP, NCPS, COSCA or BABCP who all maintain Professional Standards Authority registers). You should go directly to that professional body and follow the process for raising a concern; sometimes called a ‘Professional Conduct Procedure.


Youth Complaints Process

A guide to our youth complaints process can be found here - Complaints Guide for Young People. This includes information to help young people understand what a complaint is and how we might be able to address it. It also contains a link to the form which is used to register a complaint. 


Training Centre Complaints

We value feedback about our Assessment and Training Centre and take any dissatisfaction extremely seriously. If you are undertaking a qualification underwritten or awarded by the Scottish Qualification Authority, then you should follow this part of the process. All other complaints should follow the procedure outlined above.

The process for handling complaints related to our Training Centre is the same as for our other services and is detailed above. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction through these processes, you have the right to escalate your complaint to the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

Please note that this does not include complaints about assessment outcomes, which should be addressed via the Assessment Appeals process. SQA will only address complaints about assessment in the broadest sense, including the conduct of and environment for assessment, but only if you have already exhausted the centre’s complaints procedure. Appeals against internal assessment decisions should go through the Appeals Procedures.

Additionally, you can escalate your complaint to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) if necessary. They can be contacted by calling 0131 225 5300, emailing ask@spo.gov.scot  or by mail at:

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
Bridgeside House
99 McDonald Road