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Lifelink can work with your team to develop and implement initiatives and strategies within your workplace which help to promote positive mental health, overall wellbeing and improve job performance. 



We believe that everyone’s needs are unique and we deliver person centred wellbeing support that makes a real difference to your organisation’s culture and overall performance. 

Our approach to wellbeing empowers organisations to improve the wellbeing of employees and the support we can provide pays significant dividends - increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and increased employee engagement.

Add your details below and we'll get in touch to see how we can support you and your team. 

How We Can Help Your Organisation

Employee Counselling

Our employee counselling service provides tailored support to individuals as part of a whole workplace programme.

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Wellbeing Education

Investing in the wellbeing education of your employees can pay significant dividends in terms of reductions in absenteeism, increased engagement, and improved productivity.

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Supply Chain Services

Contracting one to one counselling requirements to Lifelink means you let us handle all the administration and governance requirements whilst still providing a cost-effective sub contracted service option to your business.

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Wellbeing Supervision

Tailored wellbeing supervision programmes provide support to those front-end staff whose working environments may make them particularly vulnerable to negative mental health.

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Who We Work With

We provide mental health and wellbeing support to a number of organisations and partners throughout the UK including: